The draft Haywood Road Vision Plan is now ready for review on the City’s project page website and clickable at this link and afterwards scrolling down to the WEST area tab.

The Vision Plan effort focused on Haywood Road for the 2.5 mile stretch from the French Broad River to Patton Avenue. The plan, developed over a number of years, has been a cooperative effort of residents, business and property owners and City staff that prepared the groundwork for six community identified priorities:

  • Transportation and Streetscape Issues,
  • Historic Preservation,
  • Zoning and Land Use Issues,
  • Economic Development,
  • Safety
  • Neighborhood Issues.

Each section has a list of strategies designed to improve the vitality of Haywood Road and west Asheville. The plan acknowledges the balance between growing and expanding the economic base of the community and the desire from neighbors to maintain a great place to live work and play.

The work that has gone into the Vision Plan led to the Haywood Road Form Based Code study currently underway for the corridor that is looking at land use and building scale.  The Vision Plan concepts have been reviewed and summarized at community meetings a number of times and so now the plan is now being proposed for formal adoption. The plan is scheduled to be considered by Planning and Zoning Commission at their January 162014 meeting. If you have questions or need additional information please call Alan Glines at 828-259-5556 or email at