On Tuesday, August 13, about 100 community members attended the kickoff meeting for the City of Asheville’s Haywood Road Form-Based Code process at Hall Fletcher Elementary School’s auditorium. The end goal of this process is the drawing up of new zoning rules for the 2.5 mile length of Haywood Road. There will be extensive opportunities for community involvement and we hope that businesses along the corridor will make time to be engaged in this important process.

At the kick off meeting, consultant Lee Einsweiler, of Code Studio, spent about 45 minutes explaining what form-based code is, how it differs from traditional zoning, the project goals, process and community involvement opportunities. He ended the evening by presenting “food for thought” ideas for the community to ponder.

The slides from Mr. Einsweiler’s presentation can be viewed here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sm8osmei2efll3t/1KebLprV3j/Haywood-PreCharrette_show.pdf

Community members will be able to provide input at a charrette, which is an interactive hands-on public workshop, from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. on September 14. A location has not been determined for the design studio, which will house that meeting and ensuing open houses.

For continuing information on this process Code Studio has set up a website and facebook page. We encourage you to bookmark both and plan to come out to the charrette scheduled for September 14. We will post additional details as we have them.

