The Haywood Road Corridor Committee has been meeting for over 10 years to come up with a Vision Plan for the Haywood Road Corridor. The following document is a summary of the process that has been followed during that time and can be downloaded in PDF format or viewed below.
Haywood Road Vision Plan Summary of the Process
Over the past 10 years, city staff and a group of west Asheville residents, business owners and property owners (known originally as the Haywood Road Corridor Committee) have met to discuss planning and growth issues for Haywood Road between the French Broad River and ending at Patton Avenue. The group identified a number of goals to include in the study for the corridor:
- an emphasis on improving pedestrian and multi-modal transportation options;
- encouraging a mix of business uses along the corridor and within buildings and providing options for higher residential density for properties along the roadway;
- support for streetscape improvements.
In early 2006 a survey focused on growth related topics was mailed to 1,300 property owners and nearby residential neighbors along the corridor. Later that year a community meeting was held to share initial results of the survey and plans for a zoning change for Haywood Road. The Committee found that there was a lot of support for roadway improvements to increase pedestrian access, multi-modal transportation options and roadway changes to make the roadway safer while anticipating the I-26 construction process. The Committee also was supported in the efforts to bring some zoning changes to the corridor to ensure that new development coming to the corridor and enhances the pedestrian character and local charm.
Due to staff changes and efforts to develop the Downtown Master Plan, work for the corridor was temporarily suspended. In 2010 though, staff began to meet again with the Haywood Road Corridor Study Group (name change to reflect focus of studying the needs of the corridor) to discuss appropriate height and other development potential for the Central Business District (CBD) areas in west Asheville as this discussion was related to the downtown study. Eventually these amendments to the CBD zoned areas of west Asheville were adopted in 2010 by City Council and reenergized the discussion for the remainder of the corridor and for developing a more complete vision plan for the Haywood Road. Since then the Study Group has focused on the following major topics that relate to Haywood Road and west Asheville:
Streetscape and Transportation Issues
Zoning and Land Use and Community Character
Economic Development Issues
Historic Preservation
Neighborhood Related Issues
The Haywood Road Corridor Study Group concluded its work in 2012 with a series of recommendations for each of the major topics researched as a part of the corridor plan. A number of meetings were held in which public comment was garnered for the areas of interest. In 2011, a second community survey was mailed to corridor neighbors and business owners asking for additional comment on issues facing Haywood Road. Support for the goals of the Study Group were again reiterated by the community with all of the subject areas receiving feedback and action items. There was continued strong support for roadway and streetscape changes for pedestrian access and multi-modal transportation as well as general roadway safety improvements. There is also strong support for a broad mix of commercial activities that would support the local community and interest in zoning changes to assure that future development fits in with the character of the corridor.