A resolution adopting the Haywood Road Vision Plan is on City Council’s agenda for February 25, 2014.
WABA and many members of our community have been working with City Planning staff on the Haywood Road Vision Plan since 2002. It has been a long process, but we are proud of our community for sticking with it and working so well with the City staff to develop the plan.
We touched base with the community throughout the process via surveys and public meetings and are extremely pleased with the level of involvement put forth by members of our community and businesses along the corridor.
The final version of the Haywood Road Vision Plan identifies six community priority subject areas:
- Transportation and Streetscape Issues
- Historic Preservation
- Zoning and Land Use Issues
- Economic Development
- Safety
- Neighborhood Issues
Full staff report to City Council can be viewed here: http://www.ashevillenc.gov/Portals/0/city-documents/cityclerk/mayor_and_citycouncil/current%20agenda/New-A%20-%20Haywood%20Rd%20Vision%20Plan.pdf
Because of our community vision and dedication, Haywood Road was selected for the Form-Based Code zoning work initiated last year. This is a new type of zoning for the City of Asheville and Haywood Road is an ideal testing ground for such, especially as it directly addresses items put forth in the Vision Plan. Consulting firm Code Studio was contracted by the City of Asheville to develop a proposal for a form-based code along Haywood Road. They used the draft Haywood Road Vision Plan as a starting point in their process, then conducted many community and stakeholder meetings as well as a charrette to hone in on details for the code. The proposed Form-based Code will be presented back to the community for review this spring. To read more about that process, please visit the Code Studio site: http://haywoodroad.code-studio.com