The cheap jerseys next cheap nba jerseys meeting cheap jerseys of How the When Haywood Начальные Road Corridor Committee working on the Haywood Road Vision Plan will be Thursday March 3, 2011 from 6:00 PM until about 7:45 at the West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road.

The discussion at this meeting will be focused on historic preservation and the opportunities surrounding this for the corridor.

For reference below and downloadable here is the larger list of topics that are expected to be addressed in some way by the vision plan document as we move forward. The group reviewed and added to this working list and while it may not be complete, it provides a starting point for making progress. If you have suggestions for adding to this list we would like to know.

All are welcome to attend, and anyone can request to be added to an email list to receive future information by contacting Alan Glines at,

The following is a working list of topics that will be considered as the Haywood Road Vision Document takes shape.  This list is in no particular order and has not been prioritized in any way. Feel welcome to send additional ideas and comments:
1. General Goals for the corridor:
a. Maintain neighborhood diversity both racial and economic diversity
b. Ensure the area preserves affordable housing in a variety of forms
c. Enhance the character of the community
d. Use modern communication methods to communicate with residents and businesses (email, list serve, facebook?)
e. Increase % of affordable housing in approved projects
2. Transportation related issues:
a. Bike lanes planned for the corridor
b. Back alleys can be useful to provide access limiting curb cuts along Haywood Road.
c. Central parking areas to be able to park and walk along the corridor
d. Pedestrian safety concern across  240 and at Patton Avenue access points with Haywood Road, Louisiana Avenue, Florida, etc.
e. Need additional crosswalks and pedestrian signals at important intersections
f. Consider greenway plans: any for Haywood Road
g. Timeline for the I-26 construction needs to be revisited again
h. Make sidewalks wider based on the location and the nearby uses, etc.
i. Bus transfer station? And additional shelters
j. Reduce business curbcuts at the street and continuous driveways
k. Require City-Church partnerships for parking
l. Include alternatives for new parking: shuttles, churches?
3. Zoning and Land Use
a. Place buildings close to the street to encourage pedestrian activity
b. Mixed-use buildings preferred, multi-story
c. Maintain wide mix of neighborhood businesses that make up the corridor now
d. Make zoning flexible to avoid cookie-cutter design
e. Flexibility in front setbacks to create courtyard areas
f. Retain green spaces with side or rear lot setbacks
g. Recent C.B.D. changes provide useful design concepts
h. Character from the river to Beecham’s Curve is unlike other portions of the district
i. Concern about light trespass from commercial to residential areas
j. Higher density development can support transit use
k. Downtown CBD zoning versus the West Asheville contrast
4. Economic Development Issues
a. Tools to encourage business ownership and expansion
b. Maintain affordable commercial rental
c. Central parking options such as ‘park and walk’ at key locations
d. Business incubation spaces
e. Additional signage for ‘wayfinding’
f. Gateways made attractive where lacking
g. Promote the corridor as a destination
h. Brand Haywood Road
i. Neighborhood organizations could sponsor walks to the business corridor
j. More cooperative events on the corridor to draw visitors
k. The corridor needs a community venue
5. Streetscape / Community Character
a. Sidewalks narrow- limited space for trees, street lights, some issues with ADA compliance
b. Powerlines result in visual clutter
c. Streetscape improvements: trash cans, bike racks, trees in grates
d. Identify areas to add additional plantings; trees and greens apces on corridor
e. Widen sidewalks along with new development based on uses
f. Art installation along the corridor: consider street lamps and bus shelters
g. Recent development may provide both good and bad design examples
6. Safety
a. Learn more about the Weed and Seed Program
b. More eyes on the street with new businesses and more pedestrians
c. Concern about the graffiti issue
d. Speeding traffic is a concern and traffic calming along the corridor may help: speed bumps at connecting streets and a round about
e. Better street lamp coverage along the Haywood to avoid shadow areas and help with pedestrian safety
f. Scale lighting for the pedestrian (not highway scape) to avoid light pollution
7. Historic Preservation
a. Enhancing the two Nation Register Districts along Haywood Road: Aycock school and the End of the Car Line
b. Encouraging renovation of older structures instead of replacing them
c. Façade restoration initiatives
d. Hold local West Asheville history events: story-telling, photo exhibits
8. Sustainability Goals
a. Sustainability management Plan (City adopted)
b. Stormwater management (public and private)
c. Environmental solutions used in parking lots
9. Other ideas not places in other categories
a. Clarify outcomes and actions to implement the plan
b. Ask neighborhood groups and associations for ideas on issues
c. Need steps from vision to implementation
d. Need dedicated staff support like areas of the City of Asheville
10. Partnerships with other organizations who may share expertise or help to implement the goals of the plan:
a. MtnBizworks
b. Buncombe County
c. NC Department of Transportation
d. Asheville Greenworks
e. Preservation Society
f. Asheville Independent Restaurants (AIR)
g. Progress Energy
h. RiverLink
i. Asheville Housing Authority
j. Asheville sustainable Agriculture Project
k. Asheville City Schools
l. Religious Communities
m. Asheville Homegrown
n. Bicycle and Pedestrian Taskforce
o. Neighborhood Associations
p. Chamber and Convention and Visitors Bureau
q. Economic Development Commission
r. West Asheville Business Association (WABA)
s. Green Building Council
t. French Broad River Metropolitan Planning Organization
11. City Plans that may be related to some of the topics raised through this process
a. Asheville City Development Plan 2025
b. Affordable housing Plan
c. Charlotte Street Corridor Plan and Transportation Enhancement Study
d. Comprehensive Bicycle Plan
e. Downtown Master Plan
f. Downtown Parking Action Plan
g. Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Master Plan
h. Pedestrain Thoroughfare Plan
i. Sustainability Management Plan
j. Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness
k. Transit Master Plan
l. Wilma Dykeman Riverway Master Plan