Our community is surrounded by wildlife habitat and as our area continues to expand most of us will at some point interact with a wild animal. It is important that you, your employees and families know how to best react in such an encounter. Prepared with knowledge you are more likely to have an interaction that is positive and safe for both you and the animal.

We’ve listed below some web resources including pdfs that you can download and post to help others learn before they have an encounter.

North Carolina Wildlife Resources CommissionContains lots of info on coexisting with wildlife, protocol for interacting with wildlife, damage control and many facts about our wild neighbors.

Black Bear Specific Information 

Animal Control Officers and Wild Animals (pdf): Covers protocol for incidental capture of animals, depredating animals and sick or diseased animals.

City of Asheville Animal ServicesCovers information on requirements for domestic animals within City limits and links to additional information on Wildlife Reporting and Buncombe County Animal Services.

FACT SHEET on Coexisting with Coyotes (pdf)Includes TIPS for interactions with coyotes in our area.