Location: Isis Music Hall, upstairs lounge
– please enter by side door on patio –

9:30am – coffee and networking
9:55am – welcome


10:00am – NCDOT update on I-26 Connector project
NCDOT joins us for an update on the I-26 Connector project including a new concept for the Haywood Road bridge over the highway to better accommodate various modes of transit happening along the street.

10:50am – All Go West Info
All Go West returns to West Asheville for two days this year, June 17 & 18, 2017. The festival is free to the public and includes 30+ acts on multiple stages. Join us for a Q&A with the festival organizer.

11:00am – City of Asheville Updates
• Alan Glines will present updates to the Form Based Code for Haywood Road
• Officer Kevin Skonieczny, our West Asheville CRO, will provide reports on crime and stats for our area
• Sara Henry will discuss long and short term priorities and solutions for West Asheville

11:20am – WABA and member announcements
Have news to share? We’ll save the last 10 minutes of the meeting for your news and announcement.

11:30am – Adjourn