Asheville BookWorks, a community resource for print and book arts, continues Vandercooked Poetry Nights, its reading series that offers the public the opportunity to print a letterpress broadside at the series events. The upcoming Vandercooked Poetry Nights reading features poet Sebastian Matthews on Saturday, December 12, 2015. Printing begins at 7:00 p click here now.m. The reading begins at 7:30 p.m. Hosted by BookWorks founder and director Laurie Corral, and poet Landon Godfrey, the event is free and open to the public.

Asheville BookWorks hosts several Vandercooked Poetry Nights per year and presents prominent poets and letterpress artists. At Vandercooked events, everyone is invited to print a broadside of one of the featured poet’s poems on a rare Vandercook printing press. Master printers introduce the printing presses and organize the printing.

Poet Sebastian Matthews lives with his family in Asheville. He is the author of a memoir and two books of poems. In 2010 he curated a show for the Black Mountain College Museum + Art Center on the early work of collagist Ray Johnson. A collagist himself, Matthews is currently at work on a novel, a chapbook of poems, and a set of poster-sized collages.

Broadside designer Paul Moxon is a studio letterpress printer publishing limited edition books and broadsides under the imprint Fameorshame Press. He is the author of Vandercook Presses: Maintenance, History and Resources, moderator of, and an itinerant letterpress instructor.

Because the Vandercook printing press has become a rare object, Vandercooked Poetry Nights allow the public to experience an important but increasingly elusive printing technology. More than 30,000 Vandercook presses were manufactured in Chicago between 1909 and 1976; however, today fewer than 2,000 remaining Vandercooks have been identified in a worldwide census, catalogued by Paul Moxon. Easy to operate, Vandercook presses have been adopted by artists and writers to control their own publications and to produce handmade objects.

For more information about the poets and the upcoming events of Vandercooked Poetry Nights, please visit, or call (828) 255-8444.

Started in 2004, Asheville BookWorks is home to a vibrant book arts and printmaking community where learning and discourse are fostered through classes, exhibits, and an artists-in-residence program, all sharing in common an intense appreciation of print, book arts, and creativity. More information is available at