Please join us for our next WABA Quarterly Meeting on June 12, 2018. All businesses located in West Asheville are welcome to attend.

Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Location: upstairs lounge at Isis Music Hall, 743 Haywood Road – please use the side patio door to enter. Parking vouchers available for the Isis lot.

9:30am Coffee and Networking
10:00am-11:30am Program


  • All Go West festival info and Q/A with organizers
  • City Updates
    • Comprehensive Plan (details below)
    • City Manager Search
    • Permit updates
    • Bond work updates
  • Feasibility study for a bike share program on Haywood Road (details below)
  • NCDOT/MPO updates

City of Asheville Comprehensive Plan
It has been nearly two years in the making. Meetings, workshops, focus groups, key pads, white boards, photographs, essays, charts, graphics, data, visions, plans, maps, presentations, spreadsheets, interviews, videos, display boards, edits, flyers, logos, surveys, reports, updates, blog posts, press releases, tweets, emails, comment cards, posted notes, themes and aspirations. And now it is finally coming together!

A Comprehensive Plan is a tool that many cities use to establish a high-level vision to guide citywide policy decisions over several years. Living Asheville: A Comprehensive Plan for Our Future will provide a visionary framework to help guide Asheville’s continued long-term development, and provide an essential tool that will be used across the City’s many departments.

City staff joins us for a walk through of the Comprehensive Plan.

Bike Share Feasibility Study
The City of Asheville has engaged Alta Planning + Design, and local firm Friction Shift Projects, to develop a bike share feasibility study to investigate if and how Asheville can add bike share to the City’s mobility options. Early thoughts indicate that downtown, the RAD, and West Asheville have the development patterns to support a system.

Kristy Carter, with Friction Shift, will join us to introduce the study and the types of bike share options. Kristy wants to hear WABA’s perspective on opportunities for and concerns about a bike share system along Haywood Road, and learn what the study planners should consider from your perspective as they develop the study.