Hello West Asheville Business Association!
I am one of your newest members and am excited to become a part of your local business community!
I run a private practice massage and bodywork studio at POINT Health Collective which is located in that pretty New England style cedar shake house on the corner of Haywood Rd as you head down the hill to the river arts district.
I would love to offer you, members of the West Asheville Business Association, discounted massages for your first appointment with me! 90 minutes of pure massage bliss for the price of a 75 minute session!
Curious about what I do? Visit the testimonials page on my website http://www.armadillohealing.com/testimonials.html
Feel free to message me or send me an email at massage@armadillohealing.com to set up an appointment
I also carry gift certificates, which are great for this upcoming holiday season!
Hope to meet many of you soon!
Cammie Taylor
Cammie Taylor just returned from a 3 week long 100-hour intensive at the world renowned Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA to become certified in Esalen Massage. It’s a beautiful modality that is both relaxing and incredibly therapeutic. It incorporates long, fluid, full body strokes with gentle rocking, stretching, compressions and joint mobilizations to increase range of motion and release deeply held restrictions in the body. Inspired by the Pacific Ocean waves it is rhythmic and dynamic, using changes in tempo and pressure to guide the client through a moving meditation. Cammie looks forward to sharing this form of healing touch with the West Asheville and greater Asheville community.
View her WABA Member listing – including contact info and a map to the business.