- Monthly updates will now live on the Partnerships and Business Development page of the Community & Economic Development webpage. June updates
- Officer Lindsay Rose has taken another position, so the Community Engagement team includes Officer Colby Fox, Sergeant Scott Fry, and Captain Mike Lamb
- The email address for their division is apdcommunityengagement@ashevillenc.gov and is a good way to reach them & ask questions ahead of the meetings or coordinate for specific dates or events.
- The city is willing to sweep the street prior to clean-up days and WABA work with local businesses to get as many cars off the street as possible on the scheduled date and they will send a crew at night to clean it. Email Chad Bandy (cbandy@ashevillenc.gov) and Chris Daniels (cdaniels@ashevillenc.gov). with questions.
- The City should be hiring a graffiti compliance officer soon that will help to report graffiti, contact property owners, and coordinate with those property owners to get the graffiti cleaned up.
- Chris Daniels recently sent a crew out to pressure wash graffiti.
- Jessica Morris & Anna Sexton of the City’s transportation department will meet with DOT about Haywood Road repaving. Rachel Taylor will share updates as they come in.