On Tuesday, April 23 from 3:30-5:30 p.m., Attorney Alicia Vega, The Vega Law Firm, PLLC, and Ryan Taylor, SBTDC Product Commercialization Counselor will co-lead a no cost workshop, Trademark, Copyright & Patent Tips for Small Businesses at the Lenior Rhyne Conference Room, 36 Montford Ave. in the Asheville Chamber of Commerce. Space is limited and participants must register to attend: sbtdc.org/business-events/intellectual-property-workshop-2/
Western North Carolina is home to thousands of innovative small businesses. Understanding the necessary legal protections for ideas, business names, concepts and products is essential to start and grow a sustainable business venture. “Navigating the available options and processes to secure appropriate intellectual property protection is a challenge for many companies. This workshop will provide tangible examples and tips to understand what names or ideas you should protect, why, and how,” says Annice Brown, Assistant Regional Director of SBTDC at WCU. Businesses with proprietary information, a unique name, or who have products with specialized techniques or ingredients should attend this no cost workshop and to learn how best to protect their investment.
Participants will leave the workshop with:
- A definition of the difference between trademark and copyright
- Examples of mistakes and successes from other small businesses
- An understanding of provisional application, utility and design patents
- Tips for success and mistakes to avoid
- Opportunity to ask questions during group Q + A