North Carolina Welcome Center, I-40 West
Waynesville, North Carolina
National Tourism Day
May 7, 2014
10:30 am – 2:00 pm
You are invited to celebrate our National Tourism Day at the I-40 North Carolina Welcome Center on Wednesday May 7, 2014, 10:30am until 2pm. The center is located on Interstate 40 at the 10.5 mile marker eastbound lane – 21 miles from Waynesville.
Representatives from attractions and accommodations in the area are invited to show our visitors their appreciation during this special time. We welcome you to greet our visitors; offer special samples, discounts or giveaways; share food and drink; or otherwise thank travelers visiting our state and Welcome Center.
As usual, there are a few housekeeping details: you must provide your own table, chairs, etc. No food or drink is allowed inside the reception area of the Welcome Center. The event is held outside on the grounds. The sale of items is strictly prohibited. Please stop by the desk upon your arrival to sign in.
We are also accepting money donations so we can purchase coffee and snacks to give to our travelers. If you are unable to attend but would like to donate money or giveaway items, please contact the center employees to make arrangements.
We appreciate your ongoing support of North Carolina’s Welcome Centers, and we hope you will be able to join us to thank our visitors! If you know of anyone that may be interested in attending, please share this with them.
If you plan on attending, please rsvp by email to: