The Charrette Report for the Haywood Road Form Based Code project is now available for review at the following link.
The Code Studio planning team has made the Haywood Road Form Based Code Charrette Report available for comment and review. When you click on the charrette report link, there will be spaces below where you can write comments, or you can comment directly to Alan Glines You can also find project history and an updated schedule for upcoming events (happening next year) for the project at: .
The Charrette Report covers the vast amount of research, community input and ideas gathered from focus group meetings and points the way for the development of the actual Form Based Code in the coming months. Most of the outreach for the Form Based Code project was gathered during a 5 day charrette ( a charrette is a concentrated time for collaborative planning with community input) that was held in mid-September and which culminated in a presentation to the community. Several hundred citizens participated in at least one aspect of the Design Charette. The charrette consisted of a Saturday public workshop, stakeholder groups, drop-in studio time, an Open House event, and a final presentation on Wednesday September 18. Since that time Code Studio, the planning consultants for the project have been working to synthesize the information for this report.
The next step in the form based code project will be for the Consultant team to begin work on a draft of the Form Based Code and return to Asheville to present this draft at a community meeting in February.