Contact Water Maintenance Division
Phone 828-259-5975
City of Asheville Water Interruption on Craven Street: Date February 28 2015
The City of Asheville has scheduled the following water interruptions for water valve and hydrant replacements general system maintenance or connection of a new water line by a contractor into the city water system.
Surrounding areas may experience no water to low pressure during these interruptions. When the work is completed customers may experience discolored water or air in the lines and are advised to wait until the water is clear before using it.
Properties in the affected areas are receiving a notification by telephone via the city automated system. Citizens may register unlisted phone numbers cell phone numbers toll free numbers or business numbers by clicking on the Citizens Alert Sign Up link located in the right column on the front page of the City website.
For more information about any of the scheduled water interruptions listed below please contact 828-259-5975 Monday – Friday 8 am 4 pm
Date February 28 2015
Craven Street from River Side Drive to Hazel Mill Road and surrounding areas West District from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm water will be interrupted due to general system maintenance.