Following the successful Design Charrette held last month, the schedule for the Haywood Road Form-Based Code has been announced. The consultant team is currently finalizing the Charrette Report which will recap research findings, public comment, maps generated during public meetings, and the consultant concepts developed for Haywood Road. This report will be delivered in early November and will be posted on the City Project Page:
Code Studio, the lead consultant, will be drafting the form code during November through January and it will be made public and posted on the project page in February. Following the release, there will be a public meeting in late February to give citizens the opportunity to comment on the draft form code. The consultants will then take those comments and make adjustments to the draft, returning to Asheville in April to present the final code to the Planning and Zoning Commission at a worksession. Both the public and City Council will be invited to this meeting. The consultants will make final adjustments, if needed, after this meeting and will deliver the final report and form code to staff. Planning and Development staff expects to bring the final form code to the Planning and Zoning Commission for presentation and possible adoption in April, and anticipate that it will reach City Council for a public hearing in May, 2014.
“Although this schedule is more extended than originally conceived, the timing will now give staff time to put finishing touches on the community generated Haywood Road Vision Plan so it can be presented to City Council in late January while the form code is still being developed,” said Planning and Development Director Judy Daniel.
Several hundred citizens participated in at least one aspect of the Design Charrette for the Haywood Road Form-Based Code project held over five days in September. The charrette consisted of a Saturday Public Workshop, stakeholder groups, a drop-in studio, Open House and a final presentation on Wednesday night. The final presentation made at Hall Fletcher can be viewed at In the presentation, Lee Einsweiler of Code Studio and Paul Moore of Nelson Nygaard talk about future development on the corridor and the potential changes to the roadway that will make it more pedestrian and bike friendly.
A form based code is a newer planning tool that is rapidly emerging as a preferred alternative to traditional zoning. Form based codes help create a predictable public realm on the street, by guiding the form and placement of new (and renovated) buildings and a predictable development review process for the development community since new construction outcomes can be anticipated based on the details of the adopted form code. The Haywood Road project is planned as a pilot for the rest of the City. The Asheville City Council funded this project out of recognition that the city will have to grow within its current boundaries, and not through annexation. And if higher intensity development is needed, form based standards and a more predictable development review process will become even more important for residents and developers. Form based code can be a vehicle to have clear expectations for development so investors know in advance what the community wants and will accept.
For more information on the Haywood Road Corridor Form Based Code process, email Alan Glines or call 828-259-5556. Presentations, pictures and additional information are available at
Delivery of FBC Charrette Report: November 14
Complete Haywood Road Vision Plan: November – December
P&Z and Council Hearings on Vision Plan: January 8 / Late January
Delivery of FBC First Draft: January 17
CONSULTANT visit for staff/steering committee meetings: January 29
Delivery of FBC Final Draft: February 14
CONSULTANT visit for public presentation: February 26
Delivery of FBC Document (with any requested revisions): March 7
CONSULTANT visit for FBC P&Z/Council Work Session: March 20
FBC Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing: April 3 or Special meeting or May 7*
FBC Presentation and Hearing at City Council: Late April, or May (depending on P&Z)