WABA is continuing to working with the City of Asheville and consultants from Kimley-Horn to develop a parking plan for Haywood Road. Thank you to those of you that have already participated.
Another opportunity to provide input in a focus group format will be held:
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
5:30 pm
West Asheville Library Program Room
942 Haywood Road
The consultant team from Kimley-Horn mapped parking availability and use on a Thursday and Saturday last October. At the focus meeting, they will review these findings, discuss a variety of options that could be included in a parking plan and then ask for your individual experiences, needs, challenges and ideas.
The Tuesday, March 17, 2015 focus group is for business and property owners or designated staff serving as a voice for a business. There will be different opportunities for community neighbors to participate in the process.
Emails and calls have gone out to businesses and building owners along the street. If you know of any businesses or building owners that have voiced concern about parking along Haywood Road and did not receive a notice, please encourage them to attend the evening meeting on Tuesday. Participation is key to the successful development of a parking plan for Haywood Road and we hope to see you there.