I-26 Connector Project Aesthetics Committee
The I-26 Connector Project Aesthetics Committee was established as an ad hoc committee to gather information and ideas about aesthetics to make the I-26 Connector project a cohesive and integrated part of Asheville.
The Aesthetics Committee shall serve as a voice for interested parties represented by the Aesthetics Committee members and provide recommendations to the City about the aesthetics treatments. The new committee will typically meet on a monthly basis with special meetings on a case-by-case basis for an estimated one year period.
Please visit the City’s Boards and Commissions webpage or contact the City Clerk’s Office at 259-5839 or by e-mail at
sterwilliger@ashevillenc.gov for an application form.
The deadline for applications for these openings is Monday, June 11, 2018 at 5 p.m.