Asheville Poverty Initiative’s founding Executive Director, Shannon Spencer, stepped down in January to become the new Chaplain and Director of Spiritual Life at Warren Wilson College. The 12 Baskets community is sad to see her go but excited to support her in her new adventure. Shannon’s resignation letter and response from the board can be found on our website We feel confident that our team can continue pandemic response efforts and educational programming while we discern the best fit for new leadership. If folks would like to get in touch with us they can reach out to: Michael Polous, Board Chair  or Emily Fox, Community Development Director 232-2149
We would love to thank our business donors who have provided food donations through the COVID-19 pandemic. An enormous thank you to Food Experience Catering for continuing to cook for the Cafe as well as those housed at Red Roof (emergency pandemic housing in partnership with Asheville City and Homeward Bound). Chef Kyle McKnight, UNCA, Warren Wilson College, Mission Hospital Cafeteria, Givens Estates, City Bakery, No Evil Foods, EarthFare Westgate, Whole Foods on Merrimon and Hendersonville Road, and the many other food donors who have made our efforts possible. As always, we want to encourage folks to support our local restaurants in West Asheville and we look forward to continuing and growing our food rescue partnerships through the pandemic recovery.

If you’ve been listening, please consider becoming a listener-member. We have a goal of raising $30,000 during the week to help sustain this listener-supported and volunteer-programmed radio station. We’re going to have a spring exclusive designed t-shirt, and more of our awesome hoodies available too.  We have some other cool announcements coming your way soon.
Once again we will be doing a daily drawing during the drive and the winner will receive a bunch of local gift certificates. If your WABA business is interested in donating a gift certificate contact

We are excited to share that Second Gear has been named “Best Outdoor Shop” of 2020 by Blue Ridge Outdoors Magazine!

A big THANK YOU to everyone that voted and supports us and the local community. We can’t be the best without the contribution of our consignors and customers. You are the backbone of Second Gear!

Make sure to check out the online store for consignment selects and new retail!