Small Terrain is a local garden shop located at 278 Haywood Road and offers ongoing workshops on a variety of subjects. Coming up in August;
Intro to Beekeeping
In this workshop, learn the basics of keeping a colony of honeybees in a traditional Langstroth Hive – naturally, with no medications or chemicals. Gather up the knowledge and resources you need in order to begin beekeeping early next spring.
Rainwater Catchment
Rainwater catchment is the new “recycling”, easy but important things everyone can do, especially in urban/suburban settings, to help protect rivers and streams. This workshop will provide an overview of rainwater catchment, the WHY, as well as delve into the details, at a homeowner level, of how to install simple practices of the HOW.
Seed Saving for Home Gardens
Sow True Seed’s founder will guide an introduction to seed saving techniques from his home garden at Two Oaks Homestead. Learn: How to avoid cross pollination and GMO contamination, when and how to harvest seed crops, wet and dry seed processing and long term storage. Participants receive seed saving charts, handouts and seed samples!
Fall into Winter Food Gardens
Peter will cover the essential techniques and planting times for frost tolerant greens, herbs and roots that can be harvested through the fall into winter and spring!
Managing Everyday Stress with Herbs
In this class we will discuss medicinal herbs that support the body’s ability to adapt to stress; herbs known as Adaptogens and Nervines. We’ll cover the basic function of our nervous system and how stress affects our entire body. We will also discuss other natural stress remedies that work in conjunction with herbal treatments. At the end of the class, there will be a short demonstration on how to make your own herbal tincture.
It’s been called the ‘scourge of the South’ and ‘the only plant that will follow you home’. Yet this poster child for invasion biology is revered in some parts of the world for it’s vigorous generosity of gifts of food, fiber, medicine, fodder, and much more. Justin will be extolling the virtues of kudzu, teaching how to make durable cordage and coiled baskets from the vine, sharing insights on extracting starch from the roots, and more. Attendees will work with kudzu hands-on and will get a chance to sample some treats made from Justin’s locally produced kudzu starch!
Justin Holt is the founder of Kudzu Cowboy and manages the Beaverdam Community Garden at the YMCA.
A Permaculture Garden
Come to learn, share, and observe your way to saving money and time in your yard! This lively and informative 4-part series brought to you by Ecological Designer and Herbalist, Keri Evjy, introduces amateur and curious humans to the world of plants, nature awareness, permaculture, and herbalism.
For more information about Small Terrain and the workshops, visit them online at