WABA met with other area business associations and Asheville City staff regarding graffiti in our area. It is a city-wide problem and all the business associations are working together, with the City and Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce on best practices for reporting, clean up, prevention and enforcement. Mayor Manheimer and Councilman Davis were in attendance at the meeting with the business associations about this issue and are engaged in assisting in combating the problem. We will actively share more information with the community as soon as we have it.
A general resource for info can be found at: http://www.graffitihurts.org/prevention/tipsprevetion.jsp
Cleaning off graffiti quickly has been shown to help reduce tagging in an area. That can be a difficult thing to accomplish in cold weather, but we do encourage all businesses to clean off or cover over any graffiti at soon as feasible. (If you can take a photo and note down when you first noticed the graffiti that helps with data collection for enforcement.)
The City of Asheville Citizen Service Requests phone App can be used to note location of tags on city properties, which public works will then clean off. For more information on the App visit the City website: http://www.ashevillenc.gov/Departments/ITServices/OnlineServices/CitizenServiceRequests.aspx