Click on image to download a pdf of the informational flyer.

June 3, 5:30pm
Lenoir-Rhyne University Center for Graduate Studies
36 Montford Avenue, 2nd Floor
(Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce building)

Complete Streets are planned, designed and operated to enable safe access for all users. Pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities should be able to safely travel along and across any street.

This Overview Presentation will provide a background on the benefits of Complete Streets, explain how existing streets can be retrofitted into Complete Streets, and explore how a Complete Streets policy can help achieve transportation, health, and other community goals.


Mr. LaPlante is Director of Traffic Engineering for T.Y.Lin International. He was with the City of Chicago for 30 years in various transportation positions, including Chief City Traffic Engineer and Acting Commissioner of the new Transportation Department. He has served on many national transportation committees, and was principal author of the AASHTO Pedestrian Guide. He has taught courses for the Federal Highway Administration, the National Complete Streets Coalition, the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals and the US Access Board. He is a Fellow of both ITE and ASCE.

For more information email or call (828) 232-4540